2014: In Technicolor Serving as emcee and entertainment at a Gala Event at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, in San Francisco Duplicating an image merely thought of...while standing back to back. Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco A picture is worth a thousand words Private Birthday Party in the Penthouse at The Battery After-dinner entertainment for an association event in San Mateo. After-dinner entertainment for an association event in San Mateo. Revealing an innermost thought has this effect on people. Ken Fulk's April Fool's Day Party - Read about it in SF Gate Return to one of my favorite clients and venues. Three monthly performances for an exclusive Wine Club event in Napa. What a treat! Stopping traffic at a trade show exhibit in Reno, Nevada. Dennis KyriakosJanuary 2, 2015san francisco magician, year in review, corporate magician, private event entertainment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Tumblr 0 Likes